noninterference, n. laissez faire, nonparticipation, nonparticipance, do-nothingness; neutrality, nonintervention, nonresistance; inaction, inactiveness, want of action, inactivity, passiveness, passivity, immobility; apathy, indifference, disinterest, disinterestedness, uninterestedness, aloofness, distantness, quiescence. nonintervention, n. laissez faire, nonparticipation, nonparticipance, noninterference; neutrality, nonresistance. See noninterference. nonobjective, adj. (of art) nonrepresentational, abstract, abstracted; theoretical, pure, unapplied; conceptual, ideational, notional, metaphysical; immaterial, imaginary, visionary, ideal, transcendental, spiritual; impractical, intellectual; enigmatical, mysterious, dark, hidden, remote; abstruse, obscure, recondite, profound, difficult. nonobservance, n. 1. inattention, inattentiveness, heedlessness; thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, lack of consideration; inadvertence, distraction, detachment, absent-mindedness; bemusement, absorption, self-absorption, engrossment, preoccupation, woolgathering, daydreaming, Inf. castle-building.
2. disobedience, unruliness, insubordination, contumacy, obstinacy; infraction, infringement, violation, breach; trespass, transgression; resistance, revolt, in-surgence, insurrection, rebellion, mutiny, mutinousness; outbreak, uprising, sedition, treason.
3. nonconformity, nonconformance, nonconventionality, unconventionality, Bohemianism, Inf. hippiness, originality, uniqueness; unorthodoxy, sectarianism, secularism, heresy, misbelief, iconoclasm, atheism.
4. nonfulfillment, nonperformance, noncompliance, disregard, failure, omission, oversight; negligence, neglect, neglectfulness; carelessness, laxity, laxness, laziness; remissness, dereliction, dereliction of duty.
5. nonpayment, default, delinquency, welshing; insolvency, bankruptcy, failure to pay up, SI. failure to cough or ante up.
6. evasion, Inf. the run-around, avoidance; elusion, shunning, dodge, side-step, shirking, retreat; nonattendance, truancy, hooky, French leave, cut, absence without leave, Mil. A.W.O.L.
7. faithlessness, infidelity, inconstancy; falsity, disloyalty, Punic faith, violation of vows, breach of promise. nonpareil, adj. 1. peerless, unparallelled, incomparable, without equal, unequalled, unmatched, un-matchable, unrivaled, unrivalable, unbeatable; best, choicest, supreme, highest, top, first-class, ace, excellent, prize-winning, Inf. champion.
-n. 2. nonesuch, paragon, phoenix, one in a thousand, one of a kind; acme, zenith, pinnacle, height, peak, tops, Latin, ne plus ultra; best, choice, flower, pink, pearl, gem, jewel, prize, Inf. peach; pick, pick of the litter, cream of the crop, Fr. cr&me de la cr£me, elite, first water, first class, Commerce, first.
3. sprinkles, sprinklies, jimmies, shots, sugar pellets, decorative candies.
4. chocolate, candy, Trademark. Snow Cap. nonpartisan, adj. 1. impartial, objective, disinterested, dispassionate; just, even-handed, equitable, fair, fair and square, straight, straight-shooting, square-shooting, square-dealing; unbiased, unprejudiced, unprepossessed, unbigoted, unwarped, unjaundiced; uninfluenced; unswayed, unbought.
2. independent, free-lance; nonaligned, unaffiliated, unassociated, unconnected; neutral, even, half-and-half, Inf. fifty-fifty; noncommitted, on the fence, mugwumpian, mugwumpish.
-n. 3. independent, free-lance, freethinker; neutral, unaffiliated voter; mugwump, fence-sitter, undecided or noncommitted voter. nonpayment, n. default, nonremittal, delinquency, Commerce, dishonor, failure to pay, SI. welshing,