reefer, n. marijuana cigarette; All Sl. joint, jay, jay bar, jay smoke, j.; All Sl. stick, tea stick, stick of tea, dope stick, dream stick, stick of gage or gauge, gage stick, gage butt; All Sl. reefer weed, hointer, spliff.
reek, n. 1. stink, stench, fetor, fetidness, odor, mal-odor, mephitis; body odor, Sl. B.O., halitosis, bad breath.
2. vapor, effluvium, steam, exhaust, fume, mist, fog, cloud.
-^v. 3. stink, smell, smell to high heaven, smell like
a goat, assault the nostrils, knock out.
4. steam, smoke, vaporize, evaporate, gasify; smoke, treat, cure.
5. perspire, drip, sweat, be soggy; be bloody, be covered with blood.
reel1, n. rotary device, wheel; bobbin, spool, spindle, Obs. arbor, holder; pin, axle.
reel1, v. 1. sway, rock, swing; stagger, stumble, totter, falter, flounder; lurch, pitch, roll, surge; waver, fall back.
2. turn round and round, whirl, twirl, spin, gyrate; turn, rotate, circumrotate, revolve, circumvolve, pivot, pirouette.
refer, v. 1. direct, point, conduct, send, turn; intend, mean, indicate, denote, signify, suggest, connote, have to do with.
2. hand over, submit, yield, deliver, consign, relegate, render; transfer, bestow, entrust, deposit.
3. assign, attribute, put down to, ascribe; arrogate, impute, blame on; trace, accredit to, credit with, account to, chalk up to.
4. relate, correspond with, apply, pertain, belong; involve, connect, touch, take in, cover, encompass.
5. address, appeal to, consult, ask, talk over with, confer with, have recourse; turn to, resort to.
6. mention, speak of, allude to, invoke, bring up; cite, quote, adduce, give as an example; hint at, make mention of, touch on, comment upon, advert to, animadvert upon, make note of, point out; name, specify, indicate, direct attention to, call attention to, bring to one's notice, call to mind.
referee, n. 1. arbiter, arbitress, judge, determiner, decider, adjudicator, Inf. ref; moderator, umpire, Inf. ump, linesman; arbitrator, negotiator, bargainer, reconciler, peacemaker, Obs. arbitrer; go-between, intermediary, mediator, intercessor.
-v. 2. umpire, Inf. ump, Inf. ref; arbitrate, decide, determine, settle; judge, adjudge, adjudicate, pronounce or pass judgment, decree, sentence.
3. mediate, intervene, interpose, step in, come between; negotiate, bargain, bring to terms, parley; intercede, conciliate, placate, reconcile,
reference, n. 1. mention, mentioning, referral, referment; allusion, notice, adducement, quotation, specification; notification, apprising, advisement; hint, suggestion, intimation, inkling, innuendo, implication, insinuation; substantiation, illustration, instance.
2. assignment, attribution, ascription, credit, arroga-tion, imputation, blame.
3. note, citation, indication, indicator, direction, key.
4. endorsement, affirmation, allegation, voucher; attestation, testimony, evidence, witness; declaration, statement.
5. relation, regard, respect, bearing, consideration, concern; applicability, relevance, pertinence, correlation.
refine, v. 1. purify, rarefy, subtilize; clarify, clear; wash, lave, Chem. edulcorate, cleanse, depurate;