4. comprehensive, encyclopedic, compendious, of great scope; inclusive, all-inclusive, exhaustive, all-embracing; general, universal, worldwide, widespread, ecumenical.
5. at large a. at liberty, free, unconfined, unconstrained, unrestrained, uncaught; escaped, missing, wanted; truant, fugitive, runaway,
b. at length, to a large extent, to a great degree, greatly, considerably, much.
c. as a whole, generally, in the main, for the most part, mainly, chiefly, principally, on the whole, as a rule, by and large, in general.
large-hearted, adj. 1. generous, kindhearted, charitable, bountiful, bounteous, giving, liberal; big-hearted, humanitarian, philanthropic, munificent; benevolent, benificent, benign, benignant, magnanimous, open-handed; altruistic, public-spirited, unselfish, disinterested, other-directed; kind, good, noble, humane, decent, honorable; merciful, pitying, placable, unhardened, lenient, temperate, clement, ruthful.
2. compassionate, gentle, soft, tender, mild, Inf. Christian, loving; gracious, lionhearted, good-hearted, gallant, chivalrous; understanding, indulgent, forbearing, forbearant, forgiving, sympathetic; neighborly, friendly, nice, hospitable, genial.
largely, adv. 1. chiefly, generally, mainly, mostly, principally, in general, by and large; above all, eminently, essentially, particularly; in great part, in the main, as a whole, for the most part, on the whole, as a rule.
2. much, pretty much, very much, muchly, so, ever so; greatly, highly, considerably, abundantly; to a large extent, to a great degree, at length, on a large scale, in the large, in a big way, in great measure; a lot, a great deal, no end of, galore, Fr. beaucoup, in abundance; freely, without stint, Inf. to the skies.
largeness, n. 1. bigness, greatness, enormity, enormousness, hugeness, grandiosity, grandness, grandeur; magnitude, size, dimension, measure, muchness; mass, bulk, proportion, caliber; sizableness, substantiality, largishness, biggishness, considerableness; tallness, highness, height; tremendousness, stupendousness, excessiveness; gigantism, giganticness, colossality, monu-mentality, prodigiousness; mountainousness, monstrousness, monstrosity, massiveness, mightiness, ponderosity.
2. vastness, immensity, broadness, wideness, extensiveness, expansiveness; extent, expanse, extension, scope, range, area, reach, spread, width, breadth; boundlessness, unboundedness, unlimitedness, illimit-ability, limitlessness, measurelessness; interminableness, interminability, endlessness, infinity, infinitude.
3. comprehensiveness, compendiousness, inclusiveness, all-inclusiveness, exhaustiveness; ampleness, amplitude, plenitude, fullness; volume, voluminousness, capacity, capaciousness; room, content, accommodation, space; roominess, spaciousness, commodiousness, generousness, copiousness.
4. bulkiness, hulkiness, hulkingness, burliness, stoutness, heaviness, stockiness, chunkiness; beefiness, brawniness, huskiness, sturdiness, grossness; overlargeness, overbigness, overheaviness, overstoutness; heftiness, muscularity, solidity, ruggedness, strength, power, might; weightiness, corpulence, obesity, fatness, fattiness, adiposity, girth, rotundity, portliness; hypertrophy, swollenness, tumescence, tumidity, bloatedness, puffiness; bosominess, Inf. bustiness, topheaviness, fleshiness; beaminess, hippiness, thickness.
large-scale, adj. 1. extensive, expansive, wide, broad, diffuse; sweeping, far-flung, vast, far-reaching, wide-reaching, wide-ranging, far-flying, wide-stretching; of great scope, large, sizable, substantial, in large; all-out, wholesale, indiscriminate, liberal.