miscreant, villain, blackguard, scapegrace, knave, rogue, rascal, wretch, scamp, scoundrel, rapscallion, Inf. scalawag, Sl. no-good, Sl. bad guy, Archaic. caitiff, Archaic, varlet.
wrong-headed, adj. 1. misguided, unwise, imprudent, injudicious; ill-considered, ill-judged, ill-advised, ill-contrived, ill-devised, using or showing poor judgment; impolitic, inexpedient, infelicitous, disadvantageous, unfavorable, the worst possible; unintelligent, stupid, Inf. dumb, Inf. dopey.
2. stubborn, stubborn as a mule, obstinate, recalcitrant, mulish, pig-headed, bullheaded, headstrong, willful, self-willed, opinionated, adamant; contrary, perverse, froward, unaccommodating, contumacious, cross-grained, Inf. ornery, refractory, intransigent, intractable, Scot. thrawn.
wroth, adj. 1. angry, irate, wrathful. See - wrathful (def. 1).
2. stormy, violent, strong, savage, tempestuous, turbulent, wild, rough; threatening, restless, agitated, foaming, boiling, seething; raging, howling, roaring; windy, blustering, blustery, gusty, blowing, squally, squallish.
wrought-up, adj. excited, wound-up, worked-up, beside oneself, stirred-up, stimulated, energized, electrified, hyped-up, Sl. psyched; whipped-up, aroused, inflamed, fired-up, fiery; impassioned, enthused, fervid, fervent, zealous, in a fever pitch, red-hot; overwrought, keyed-up, nervous, high-strung, edgy, on edge, tense, uneasy, restless, restive, fidgety, skittish; frantic, frenzied, wild, hysterical, delirious, feverish, Brit. Sl. bonkers, Sl. out of one's skull or gourd; agitated, disturbed, upset, discomposed, disconcerted, ruffled, flustered, fluttered, in a dither, Inf. hot and bothered; irritated, annoyed, nettled, perturbed, exasperated, aggravated, vexed; angry, mad, irate, furious, fuming, raging, Inf. hot, Inf. hot under the collar, Inf. hopped up.
wry, adj. 1. lopsided, one-sided, crooked, askew, awry, twisted, distorted; tilted, inclined, aslant, to one side, sideways, off-center, uneven, unsymmetrical, asymmetric, asymmetrical.
2. devious, misdirected, astray.
3. contrary, perverse, wrong-headed, cross-grained. See - wrong-headed (def. 2).
4. distorted, taken out of context, twisted, warped, perverted, garbled; misstated, misquoted, misren-dered, misreported, misrepresented; misread, misinterpreted, misconstrued, misapprehended, misunderstood.
5. ironic, amusing, droll, witty, dry.