5. merrymaking, Brit, holiday-making, jollification, revelry, revels, Brit. Inf. mafficking; gaiety, merriment, festivity, conviviality; hilarity, mirth, glee, jollity, sport; joyousness, rejoicing, joyfulness, felicity; fun, funmaking, Inf. whoopee, Inf. whoop-de-doo, Inf hoopla, fun fast and furious,
festive, adj. 1. convivial, joyous, merry, mirthful, gleeful; gay, sportive, fun-making, uproarious; rollicking, rompish, romping; jovial, jolly, good-time, festal, festival, holiday, in holiday spirits, Christmassy.
2. hospitable, hearty, back-slapping, hail-fellow-well-met; cordial, social, genial; after-dinner, postprandial, unbuttoned.
festivity, n. 1. celebration, regalement. See - festival (defs. 2-4).
2. gaiety, merriment, revelry. See - festival (def. 5). festoon, n. 1. (all usu. looped or draping) garland, wreath, lei, chaplet. -v. 2. wreathe, enwreathe, string flowers; decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish, garnish, array, bedizen, deck, deck out, bedeck, dress, dress up.
fetch, v. 1. get, go for or after, go get, Hunting. retrieve; capture, seize, grasp, bag, snatch; grip, grab, lay hold of, collar; catch, entrap, ensnare.
2. bring, deliver, conduct, escort, usher, guide, lead; convey, transport, carry.
3. sell for, cost, bring in, bring as a price, yield, afford.
4. Informal, captivate, fascinate, enchant, bewitch, allure; delight, titillate, tantalize, carry away.
5. perform, execute, carry out, accomplish, effect, achieve, do; discharge, fulfill, consummate.
6. fetch and carry do the dirty work, perform menial tasks, do service, wait on or upon. -n. 7. extent, expanse, reach, stretch, area, range, span.
8. trick, wile, ruse, artifice, stratagem; device, contrivance, expedient, Inf dodge, subterfuge, blind; maneuver, feint, deception, sleight, coup; shift, move, evasion, shuffle.
fetching, adj. Informal, charming, fascinating, captivating, enchanting; alluring, provocative, tantalizing, titillating. See - charming, fete, n. 1. feast, feast day, holy day. See - festival (def. 1).
2. holiday, occasion. See - festival (def 2).
3. festivity, doings; fair, carnival. See - festival (defs.
3,4). -v. 4. entertain, treat, banquet, regale, wine and dine, dine, welcome, give or throw a party for, hold a reception for; honor, do the honors, kill the fatted calf, ring the bell for; roast, toast, salute, drink to, raise or tilt glasses to, celebrate,
fetid, adj. malodorous, smelly, noisome, stinking; rank, rancid, foul, strong-smelling, musty, moldy; tainted, rotten, putrid, strong, gamy, mephitic,
fetish, n. 1. talisman, charm, amulet, periapt, phylactery, wishbone, scarab, swastika, magic symbol; idol, graven image, golden calf, joss, totem.
2. Psychiatry, compulsion, erotic fixation, sexual compulsion.