ridiculous, adj. 1. absurd, inane, pointless, fatuous; nonsensical, senseless, Inf. damfool, Inf. damfoolish, tomfoolish, foolish, Scot. and North Eng. glaikit, Sl. cockeyed; poppycockish, Sl. cockamamie, amphigoric; asinine, anserine, idiotic, Inf. moronic, imbecilic; stupid, unintelligent, mindless, fatuitous, slow, brainless; empty-headed, blank, vacant, vacuous; childish, puerile, green, immature; crazy, crazed, Sl. kooky, Scot. doiled, mad, wild, insane, demented; daft, Inf. daffy, crackbrained, Inf. nutty; All Slang, balmy, dippy, batty, cuckoo, buggy, screwy, wacky, goofy, loony.
2. comical, farcical, burlesque; satirical, ironical, sarcastic, cynical; derisible, risible, laughable, good for a laugh, ludicrous, Sl. for the birds; humorous, funny, too funny for words, droll; waggish, witty, roguish, jocular, jocose, facetious, sportive; diverting, entertaining, mirthful, amusing; sidesplitting, screaming, hilarious, uproarious.
3. unreasonable, irrational, illogical, without rhyme or reason, meaningless; preposterous, extravagant, outrageous, monstrous, outlandish, bombastic, high-flown; eccentric, odd, Archaic, antic, out-of-the-way, strange, peculiar, quaint; queer, quizzical, grotesque, bizarre; imaginary, fantastic, fabulous, illusory, illusive, chimerical; incredible, inconceivable, unimaginable, unthinkable; unbelievable, hard to believe, beyond belief, implausible, untenable, unheard-of; doubtful, doubtable, dubitable, questionable.
4. untrue, fallacious, impossible, sophistic, sophistical, incorrect, erroneous; self-contradictory, paradoxical, inconsistent, incongruous.
5. inappropriate, unbecoming, improper, impractical, Fr. outr6, unwise, ill-considered, ill-suited, ill-advised; egregious, glaring, flagrant, gross, arrant. rife, adj. 1. prevalent, widespread, extensive, ubiquitous, general, rampant; universal, catholic, worldwide, global, nationwide; generally held, common.
2. present, current, making the rounds, popular, in fashion, in vogue; prevailing, predominant, preponderant, preponderating.
3. plentiful, abundant, plenteous, plenitudinous, bountiful, bounteous, copious; much, many, numerous, multifarious, Inf. dime a dozen; in quantity or quantities, in plenty, Inf. aplenty, Inf. galore; profuse, abounding, exuberant, bursting, overflowing, overspilling, running over; rampant, bristling, thick, teeming, teeming with, swarming, alive with. riffraff, n. 1. the hoi polloi, the rabble, the masses, proletariat, rank and file, commoners, the lower classes, peasantry, the common people, commonalty; trash, canaille, doggery, Inf. the great unwashed, scum, ragtag and bobtail, flotsam and jetsam, dregs of society, outcasts, vermin.
2. rubbish, trash, litter, Brit. Dial, raff, sweepings, chaff; refuse, Dial, culch, garbage, waste, offal; debris, rubble, wreckage. rifle1, n. carbine, shoulder firearm, shotgun, fowling piece, muzzleloader, repeating rifle, magazine rifle, Ordn. breechloader, petronel; musket, blunderbuss, matchlock, harquebus; gun, shooting iron, flintlock, firelock, fusil. rifle1, v. 1. ransack, sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip; rob, burglarize, burgle, break in; frisk.
2. plunder, strip bare, pillage, despoil, spoliate; ravage, harry, rape, maraud.
3. steal, thieve, pilfer, purloin, filch, finger, Inf. snitch; make free with, walk off with, Sl. rip off, Sl. crook, Sl.