2. abscess, ulcer, ulceration, fester, festering, gathering, tubercle, Obs. apostem, Archaic, impostume; gumboil, parulis, whitlow, agnail, Ophthalm. sty; canker, lesion, chancre, chancroid, soft chancre, simple chancre.
put, v. 1. place, pose, set, lay; drop, Inf. plop, Inf. plunk, Inf. plank, plump; park, station, post, stand; plant, implant, imbed; perch, mount, deposit; situate, locate, emplace, position, center; dispose, allocate, install, collocate, spot, pinpoint, fix, pin down; assign, relegate, consign.
2. send, shoot, thrust; pierce, plunge, stick, spear, lance; drive, lunge, stab; force, hammer, pound, hit, knock, whack, bang.
3. throw, toss, fling, chuck, flip, pass; hurl, clap,
slap, cast; snap, heave, hike, lob, let fly; shy, catapult.
4. subject, sentence, condemn, convict, doom; commit, consign, send, relegate, reduce.
5. impose, inflict, set, subject to; exact, levy, de
mand, require, necessitate, oblige; tax, burden, charge, fasten upon; enjoin, force, enforce, dragoon, constrain, leave no alternative; bring, visit upon, yoke with, saddle with; administer, bestow, give, prescribe, dose.
6. set before, pose, posit, advance, forward; propose, propound, predicate, postulate, lay down.
7. express, say, utter, pronounce, announce, pro
claim, speak; state, declare, assert, avow, affirm, predicate, voice; aver, asseverate, allege, profess, avouch.
8. convert, turn into, make into, interpret; translate, render, transform, transcribe, transliterate, English, anglicize; say, phrase, put in words, couch, express; formulate, present, style, frame, paragraph.
9. attribute, assign, ascribe, lay on, pin on; impute, attach, apply, fix, place, settle upon, put down; saddle with, blame, charge, credit with, accredit to.
10. impel, incite, urge, prompt, motivate, stimulate, animate; compel, move, shove, push, thrust; actuate, cause, start, forward; whip, lash, spur, drive.
11. invest, put money in, risk, speculate, Inf. stake, venture; sink, Inf plunge, tie up money in, pour money in, buy into; finance, fund, financier, Inf. bankroll; sponsor, back, Inf. angel, put up, support.
12. bet, wager, gamble, risk, chance; take a chance, take a risk, hazard, take a leap in the dark; stake, play, go.
13. estimate, guess, Inf. guesstimate, deem, esteem; rate, assess, appraise, evaluate, valuate; place, set, gauge, measure, value; calculate, count, reckon, account, figure; consider, size up, think, prize, regard.
14. assign, detail, delegate, depute, allocate, tell to do; detach, post, commission, empower; appoint, name, designate.
15. put across convey, spell out, communicate, make clear, explain, get across; make oneself understood, make [s.t.] perfectly clear.
16. put away a. discard, throw away, get rid of, rid oneself of, get quit of; SI. dump, SI. ditch, Inf. chuck, Si. eighty-six, cast aside; jettison, throw overboard, Inf. deep-six.
b. consume, eat, eat up, ingest, take in, take down; devour, down, get down, tuck in; swallow, gulp, gobble, wolf, bolt, stuff,
c. institutionalize, confine, commit, consign, remand, d. kill, do away with, dispose of, execute, slaughter, gas, hang, electrocute, shoot; put an end to, dispatch, finish, slay, put to sleep; SI. rub out, SI. waste, SI. bump off, SI. wipe out.
e. save, put by, lay in, store away, lay away; stow away, cache, hide away, bank, file away; repose, reposit, deposit, Inf. stick away; put aside, squirrel away, save up, treasure, keep, save for a rainy day.